Global Business Services DMCC, an associate company of Kothari Auditors & Accountants (KAA) has been set up by Mr. Vipul Kothari, to provide company incorporation services in jurisdictions around the world for their clients.
The core services of Global Business Services are advisory, commercial, accounting, company formation services.
Global Business Services DMCC, an associate company of Kothari Auditors & Accountants (KAA) has been set up by Mr. Vipul Kothari, to provide company incorporation services in jurisdictions around the world for their clients.
Led by Vipul R Kothari, the team at GBS has since inception, developed an excellent understanding of corporate requirements. The quality of services directly reflects the quality of personnel; this was one of the fundamental prerequisites understood and implemented from the early stages of setting up the company.
Mr. Kothari has the distinction of passing chartered accountancy at age twenty-one, from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He went on to receive gold medals from BK School of Business Management in MBA Finance